Statistics & Research about New Bethlehem,PA - Schueller-Harrington & Associates

Here are some statistics & research about New Bethlehem,PA an area served by Schueller-Harrington & Associates

350 Broad Street
New Bethlehem,PA

Real estate research for area nearby Schueller-Harrington & Associates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Buffalo 166,300 860 6.2
Marianne 116,300 731 7.5
Indiana 102,000 762 9.0
West Mahoning 87,900 422 5.8
Shelocta 87,900 694 9.5
Winfield 151,600 913 7.2
Clover 88,200 490 6.7
Corsica 75,900 575 9.1
Falls Creek 67,400 608 10.8
East Brady 82,000 517 7.6

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Schueller-Harrington & Associates

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Buffalo 44
Marianne 3
Indiana 913
West Mahoning 36
Shelocta 22
Winfield 113
Clover 11
Corsica 16
Falls Creek 28
East Brady 90
Clarion County 1631
Armstrong County 2049
East Butler 26
Leeper 10

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Schueller-Harrington & Associates

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Buffalo 197700
Marianne 27500
Indiana 175000
West Mahoning 88000
Winfield 163800
Clover 85000
Corsica 21300
Falls Creek 83800
Clarion County 128400
Armstrong County 116600
East Butler 140300

Number of vacant houses in places near by Schueller-Harrington & Associates

Place name Number of vacant houses
Buffalo 109
Marianne 5
Indiana 781
West Mahoning 59
Shelocta 8
Winfield 60
Clover 26
Corsica 26
Falls Creek 20
East Brady 103
Clarion County 4333
Armstrong County 3793
East Butler 25
Commodore 34
Leeper 38

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Schueller-Harrington & Associates

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Buffalo 685
Marianne 102
Indiana 637
West Mahoning 16
Shelocta 5
Winfield 150
Clover 35
Corsica 23
Falls Creek 34
East Brady 64
Clarion County 2671
Armstrong County 3813
East Butler 26
Commodore 11
Leeper 5