Statistics & Research about Hermitage,PA - Reinhardts Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Hermitage,PA an area served by Reinhardts Agency Inc

Phone : (724) 347-4527

Car dealers nearby Reinhardts Agency Inc

Montrose Buick Pontiac Gmc Cadillac

Phone: (724) 962-0900

Real estate research for area nearby Reinhardts Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mineral 92,800 675 8.7
New Vernon 113,200 555 5.9
Trumbull County 98,500 616 7.5
Weathersfield 84,600 613 8.7
Frenchcreek 97,500 506 6.2
New Castle Northwest 98,600 643 7.8
Champion 115,900 665 6.9
Sharon 62,700 545 10.4
Barkeyville 95,600 781 9.8
East Fairfield 114,500 433 4.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Reinhardts Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Mineral 101
New Vernon 54
Trumbull County 25350
Weathersfield 3708
Frenchcreek 216
New Castle Northwest 239
Champion 717
Sharon 1998
Barkeyville 62
East Fairfield 148
North Shenango 667
Wheatland 109
Struthers 1679
Sandy Lake 114
Mecca 325

Number of old houses in places near by Reinhardts Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Mineral 96100
New Vernon 200000
Trumbull County 75400
Weathersfield 70500
Frenchcreek 76900
New Castle Northwest 79200
Champion 104400
Sharon 53300
Barkeyville 96400
East Fairfield 129800
North Shenango 96900
Wheatland 36900
Struthers 60400
Sandy Lake 132700
Mecca 95500

Number of blacks in places near by Reinhardts Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Trumbull County 17067
Weathersfield 749
New Castle Northwest 58
Champion 151
Sharon 1813
Barkeyville 3
East Fairfield 3
North Shenango 5
Wheatland 195
Struthers 180

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Reinhardts Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Mineral 150000
New Vernon 55000
Trumbull County 151900
Weathersfield 169600
Frenchcreek 172200
Champion 141500
Barkeyville 216100
East Fairfield 81700
North Shenango 99600
Wheatland 91700
Struthers 122600
Sandy Lake 154800
Mecca 111300