Statistics & Research about Pittsburgh,PA - Prairieone Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Pittsburgh,PA an area served by Prairieone Insurance Agency

Phone : 800-842-5075

Real estate research for area nearby Prairieone Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Jeannette 80,800 581 8.6
McCandless 201,500 889 5.3
Bell 123,600 563 5.5
Robinson 167,100 967 6.9
Chartiers 153,300 860 6.7
Russellton 89,900 708 9.5
Wilkinsburg 67,700 725 12.9
Thornburg 272,000 796 3.5
Collier 142,800 953 8.0
South Park Township 142,600 805 6.8

Number of whites in places near by Prairieone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Jeannette 8518
McCandless 26629
Bell 2411
Robinson 11687
Chartiers 7518
Russellton 1377
Wilkinsburg 4843
Thornburg 489
Collier 6642
South Park Township 12731
Cokeburg 629
Tarentum 4138
Rostraver 10785
Centerville borough 3211
Allegheny 7872

Number of old houses in places near by Prairieone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Jeannette 70400
McCandless 168900
Bell 84900
Robinson 87300
Chartiers 94600
Russellton 87500
Wilkinsburg 66700
Thornburg 269400
Collier 85000
South Park Township 69700
Cokeburg 56700
Tarentum 57300
Rostraver 115100
Centerville borough 86200
Allegheny 100900

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Prairieone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Jeannette 106300
McCandless 246900
Bell 277100
Robinson 257000
Chartiers 273100
Wilkinsburg 164100
Collier 328100
South Park Township 227300
Rostraver 234700
Centerville borough 164800
Allegheny 193500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Prairieone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Jeannette 2048
McCandless 4689
Bell 488
Robinson 2264
Chartiers 1694
Russellton 225
Wilkinsburg 2727
Thornburg 76
Collier 1399
South Park Township 2999
Cokeburg 91
Tarentum 596
Rostraver 2589
Centerville borough 684
Allegheny 1875