Statistics & Research about Bridgeville,PA - Parent Prakop & Assoc Ins Agy

Here are some statistics & research about Bridgeville,PA an area served by Parent Prakop & Assoc Ins Agy

Phone : (412) 206-0364

Real estate research for area nearby Parent Prakop & Assoc Ins Agy

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Stowe 72,600 593 9.8
Centerville borough 111,200 766 8.3
Hancock County 86,300 592 8.2
Export 91,600 652 8.5
Redstone 51,300 575 13.5
Grant 82,100 537 7.8
Rices Landing 85,600 447 6.3
Stratton 59,600 435 8.8
Hampton 202,800 1042 6.2
Leet 166,100 921 6.7

Number of vacant houses in places near by Parent Prakop & Assoc Ins Agy

Place name Number of vacant houses
Stowe 556
Centerville borough 206
Hancock County 1560
Export 100
Redstone 443
Grant 609
Rices Landing 27
Stratton 7
Hampton 349
Leet 4
West Newton 103
Ohio 150
Upper Burrell 91
Aleppo 67
McCandless 925

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Parent Prakop & Assoc Ins Agy

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Stowe 97000
Centerville borough 91000
Hancock County 91300
Export 93300
Redstone 91200
Grant 86000
Rices Landing 42500
Stratton 9999
Hampton 196300
Leet 187500
West Newton 95000
Ohio 168100
Upper Burrell 134900
Aleppo 196900
McCandless 211200

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Parent Prakop & Assoc Ins Agy

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Stowe 60
Centerville borough 19
Hancock County 402
Export 19
Redstone 52
Grant 159
Rices Landing 11
Hampton 495
Leet 35
West Newton 51
Ohio 91
Upper Burrell 56
Aleppo 16
McCandless 533

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Parent Prakop & Assoc Ins Agy

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Stowe 216100
Centerville borough 164800
Hancock County 178500
Export 168100
Redstone 117500
Grant 120500
Rices Landing 85000
Hampton 353900
Leet 410000
Ohio 329900
Upper Burrell 279300
Aleppo 246400
McCandless 246900