Statistics & Research about Lower Burrell,PA - Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Lower Burrell,PA an area served by Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

3281 Leechburg Road
Lower Burrell,PA

Car dealers nearby Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

Morabito Motors Inc

Lower Burrell,PA
Phone: 724-339-9004

Real estate research for area nearby Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Graceton 9,999 674 80.9
Reserve 107,900 824 9.2
Sewickley 111,000 636 6.9
Penn Hills 86,000 728 10.2
Fellsburg 110500 NA NA
Springdale 90,500 751 10.0
Millwood 47,500 788 19.9
Sutersville 87,000 616 8.5
Lawson Heights 143,300 586 4.9
South Versailles 81,200 685 10.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Graceton 19
Reserve 470
Sewickley 756
Penn Hills 4424
Fellsburg 115
Springdale 581
Millwood 97
Sutersville 98
Lawson Heights 390
South Versailles 35
Coraopolis 889
Apollo 190
East Brady 114
New Alexandria 79
Loyalhanna 563

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Reserve 99900
Sewickley 128900
Penn Hills 95700
Fellsburg 147900
Springdale 108100
Millwood 9999
Sutersville 191700
Lawson Heights 129000
South Versailles 85700
Coraopolis 78000
Apollo 137500
East Brady 98800
New Alexandria 137500
Loyalhanna 113200

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Sewickley 33
Penn Hills 420
Springdale 21
Sutersville 3
Lawson Heights 56
South Versailles 3
Coraopolis 20
Apollo 24
East Brady 18
New Alexandria 6
Loyalhanna 40

Number of blacks in places near by Miller Phillips Insurance Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Reserve 130
Sewickley 17
Penn Hills 14914
Springdale 17
Lawson Heights 31
Coraopolis 809
Apollo 17
East Brady 18
New Alexandria 9
Loyalhanna 25