Statistics & Research about Carrolltown,PA - Lantzy Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Carrolltown,PA an area served by Lantzy Insurance Agency

Phone : 814-344-6536

Real estate research for area nearby Lantzy Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Ogle 129,700 683 6.3
Blair County 103,700 597 6.9
Commodore 101,600 448 5.3
East Wheatfield 100,700 543 6.5
Lilly 72,700 554 9.1
Chevy Chase Heights 120,500 636 6.3
Burrell 130,700 643 5.9
Duncansville 99,400 650 7.8
Decatur 73,600 510 8.3
Seward 71,000 584 9.9

Number of whites in places near by Lantzy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Ogle 431
Blair County 122432
Commodore 201
East Wheatfield 2472
Lilly 830
Chevy Chase Heights 1244
Burrell 4023
Duncansville 1447
Decatur 4061
Seward 475
Grampian 342
Bloom 383
Claysburg 1651
Barr 1902
Frankstown 7282

Number of vacant houses in places near by Lantzy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Ogle 49
Blair County 4772
Commodore 34
East Wheatfield 16
Lilly 18
Chevy Chase Heights 61
Burrell 275
Duncansville 11
Decatur 174
Seward 12
Grampian 14
Bloom 44
Claysburg 73
Barr 26
Frankstown 205

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Lantzy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Ogle 29
Blair County 9378
Commodore 11
East Wheatfield 103
Lilly 57
Chevy Chase Heights 115
Burrell 326
Duncansville 70
Decatur 157
Seward 26
Grampian 19
Bloom 34
Claysburg 151
Barr 123
Frankstown 898

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Lantzy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Ogle 137500
Blair County 130500
East Wheatfield 138300
Lilly 812500
Chevy Chase Heights 160100
Burrell 150800
Duncansville 141700
Decatur 94800
Seward 58000
Bloom 71700
Claysburg 87500
Barr 58300
Frankstown 155700