Statistics & Research about Clarion,PA - Insurance Brokers Of Mn Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Clarion,PA an area served by Insurance Brokers Of Mn Inc

800 Center-Main St

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Brokers Of Mn Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Jefferson County 85,100 547 7.7
Petrolia 50,000 829 19.9
Bruin 72,200 548 9.1
Hovey 91300 NA NA
Ringgold 81,600 611 9.0
Vowinckel 97300 NA NA
Corsica 75,900 575 9.1
Smicksburg 75000 NA NA
Sugarcreek 69,300 592 10.3
Eau Claire 85,800 538 7.5

Number of old houses in places near by Insurance Brokers Of Mn Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Jefferson County 75600
Petrolia 80800
Bruin 73400
Hovey 95000
Ringgold 82700
Corsica 73100
Smicksburg 58000
Sugarcreek 58500
Eau Claire 70000
Warsaw 88700
Dayton 56800
Pleasantville 77100
Rimersburg 63500
Karns City 86000

Number of new houses in places near by Insurance Brokers Of Mn Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Jefferson County 166700

Number of blacks in places near by Insurance Brokers Of Mn Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Jefferson County 145
Bruin 2
Rimersburg 2

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Insurance Brokers Of Mn Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Jefferson County 781
Petrolia 1
Hovey 2
Ringgold 4
Vowinckel 12
Smicksburg 1
Warsaw 21
Pleasantville 15
Rimersburg 25