Statistics & Research about Sharon,PA - Heartman Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Sharon,PA an area served by Heartman Agency Inc

Phone : 724-346-3362

Car dealers nearby Heartman Agency Inc

Preston Sharon

Preston Sharon , 1251 East State StreetSharon, PA, 16146 , Sales: (888) 259-7566 , Service: (800) 772-8197
Phone: (888) 259-7566

Real estate research for area nearby Heartman Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Leetonia 80,300 816 12.2
New Bedford 103,700 381 4.4
Mecca 113,200 740 7.8
West Shenango 90,000 655 8.7
New Galilee 77,500 704 10.9
Youngstown 48,100 570 14.2
Hartstown 48600 NA NA
Barkeyville 95,600 781 9.8
Williamsfield 126,700 538 5.1
Lake Arthur Estates 22,100 705 38.3

Number of old houses in places near by Heartman Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Leetonia 75500
New Bedford 89400
Mecca 95500
West Shenango 125000
New Galilee 72500
Youngstown 33500
Hartstown 85000
Barkeyville 96400
Williamsfield 82100
Cortland 101500
Nelson 159300
Muddy Creek 116700
Orwell 96100
West Salem 85700

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Heartman Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Leetonia 127500
New Bedford 171200
Mecca 213100
West Shenango 275000
Youngstown 101000
Hartstown 46400
Lake Arthur Estates 86000
Cortland 185600
Nelson 175000
Muddy Creek 256300
Orwell 176800
West Salem 145100

Number of blacks in places near by Heartman Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Leetonia 10
New Galilee 1
Youngstown 30472
Barkeyville 3
Williamsfield 49
Cortland 178
Orwell 19
West Salem 17