Statistics & Research about Bedford,PA - Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bedford,PA an area served by Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Phone : 814-623-5118

Car dealers nearby Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Fox Motor Sales, Inc.

Phone: (814) 623-8141

Bedford Ford Lincoln

6985 Lincoln Highway , Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: (814)623-8154

Real estate research for area nearby Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Jerome 85,700 892 12.5
East Taylor 87,300 518 7.1
Coalmont 75,000 706 11.3
Valley-Hi 156300 NA NA
Shanksville 90,400 675 9.0
Somerset 118,200 560 5.7
Wood 76,700 598 9.4
Summerhill 78,400 484 7.4
Cairnbrook 53,800 513 11.4
Cassville 110,000 488 5.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Jerome 82
East Taylor 248
Coalmont 16
Valley-Hi 12
Shanksville 29
Somerset 988
Wood 86
Summerhill 230
Cairnbrook 115
Cassville 36
Paint 325
East Freedom 49
Lorain 104

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
East Taylor 167500
Coalmont 193800
Somerset 107500
Wood 60000
Summerhill 187500
Cassville 157500
Sidman 96800
Paint 92900
East Freedom 1000001

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Jerome 211
East Taylor 613
Coalmont 14
Valley-Hi 11
Shanksville 36
Somerset 2168
Wood 171
Summerhill 564
Cairnbrook 144
Cassville 29
Sidman 172
Paint 652
East Freedom 138
Lorain 165

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Harry A Snyder Ins Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Jerome 85000
East Taylor 83300
Shanksville 70000
Somerset 150200
Summerhill 159800
Paint 123400
Lorain 50000