Statistics & Research about Murrysville,PA - Global Green Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Murrysville,PA an area served by Global Green Insurance Agency

Phone : 724-327-4012

Car dealers nearby Global Green Insurance Agency

Choice Auto Sales

Phone: (724) 387-1512

Real estate research for area nearby Global Green Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Ben Avon 193,100 827 5.1
Lower Tyrone 105,200 746 8.5
Wylandville 268,200 811 3.6
Frazer 103,700 593 6.9
Rosslyn Farms 283,300 2001 8.5
Fox Chapel 549600 NA NA
East Franklin 135,500 527 4.7
Nottingham 219,700 587 3.2
Elizabeth 108,900 729 8.0
Adams 317,300 1158 4.4

Number of old houses in places near by Global Green Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Ben Avon 211700
Lower Tyrone 79800
Frazer 81400
Rosslyn Farms 259400
Fox Chapel 518900
East Franklin 82900
Nottingham 128600
Elizabeth 96100
Adams 138600
Green Tree 152700
Edgewood 159900
Sewickley 84300
Hunker 94300
Emsworth 106300

Number of vacant houses in places near by Global Green Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Ben Avon 104
Lower Tyrone 48
Frazer 30
Rosslyn Farms 8
Fox Chapel 247
East Franklin 63
Nottingham 45
Elizabeth 506
Adams 395
Green Tree 121
Edgewood 164
Sewickley 401
Hunker 3
Emsworth 92

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Global Green Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Ben Avon 288
Lower Tyrone 307
Wylandville 102
Frazer 236
Rosslyn Farms 81
Fox Chapel 412
East Franklin 1022
Nottingham 625
Elizabeth 2990
Adams 1737
Green Tree 1236
Edgewood 624
Sewickley 1401
Hunker 67
Emsworth 395

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Global Green Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Ben Avon 29
Lower Tyrone 10
Frazer 39
Rosslyn Farms 1
East Franklin 76
Nottingham 59
Elizabeth 184
Adams 276
Green Tree 111
Edgewood 199
Sewickley 268
Emsworth 229