Statistics & Research about Clearfield,PA - Dubler Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Clearfield,PA an area served by Dubler Insurance Agency

Phone : 814-765-2491

Real estate research for area nearby Dubler Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cooper 79,700 646 9.7
Snow Shoe 125,200 537 5.1
Woodward 82,700 419 6.1
Rossiter 51,700 577 13.4
Brady 90,300 629 8.4
Grassflat 69100 NA NA
Ramey 83,700 536 7.7
Hyde 73,100 351 5.8
Blandburg 42,500 760 21.5
Horton 81,000 535 7.9

Number of whites in places near by Dubler Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Cooper 2668
Snow Shoe 1841
Woodward 2566
Rossiter 642
Brady 2066
Grassflat 463
Ramey 494
Hyde 1206
Blandburg 317
Horton 1479
Grampian 342
Houtzdale 824
Force 224
Treasure Lake 3696
Winslow 2562

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Dubler Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Cooper 5
Snow Shoe 24
Woodward 8
Rossiter 11
Brady 56
Ramey 4
Blandburg 3
Horton 30
Grampian 2
Houtzdale 1
Treasure Lake 129
Winslow 45

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dubler Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Cooper 95000
Snow Shoe 146400
Woodward 73300
Rossiter 9999
Brady 73900
Grassflat 14600
Ramey 9999
Hyde 62500
Horton 107100
Houtzdale 75000
Winslow 96000