Statistics & Research about Hollidaysburg,PA - Brenner Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Hollidaysburg,PA an area served by Brenner Insurance Agency

Phone : 814-695-9721

Car dealers nearby Brenner Insurance Agency

Stuckey Ford Subaru

Phone: 1-877-226-1253

Fiore Volkswagen

Fiore Volkswagen 1000 Logan Boulevard Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Phone: 866) 308-2015

Real estate research for area nearby Brenner Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Blandburg 42,500 760 21.5
Catharine 117,800 608 6.2
Elder 88,600 670 9.1
Pavia 112,500 575 6.1
Windber 74,500 519 8.4
Salix 97,000 352 4.4
Claysburg 118,800 573 5.8
Williamsburg 80,400 512 7.6
Nanty-Glo 68,300 395 6.9
Mapleton 66,500 620 11.2

Number of whites in places near by Brenner Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Blandburg 317
Catharine 774
Elder 1026
Pavia 232
Windber 4022
Salix 1226
Claysburg 1651
Williamsburg 1324
Nanty-Glo 2728
Mapleton 570
Kimmel 1657
Rush 3979
Hollidaysburg 5627
Munster 557
Snake Spring 1654

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Brenner Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Catharine 117400
Elder 116700
Pavia 120800
Windber 83800
Salix 107500
Claysburg 87500
Williamsburg 78800
Nanty-Glo 85000
Mapleton 82000
Kimmel 68700
Rush 90600
Hollidaysburg 99400
Munster 158300
Snake Spring 168300

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Brenner Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Blandburg 25
Catharine 55
Elder 54
Pavia 31
Windber 199
Salix 79
Claysburg 151
Williamsburg 85
Nanty-Glo 177
Mapleton 34
Kimmel 105
Rush 253
Hollidaysburg 394
Munster 61
Snake Spring 86