Statistics & Research about Wampum,PA - A L Kayafas Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wampum,PA an area served by A L Kayafas Agcy Inc

Phone : 724-535-8888

Real estate research for area nearby A L Kayafas Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Allison Park 196,700 879 5.4
Evans City 137,500 682 6.0
Fernway 199,300 1065 6.4
Conway 120,300 509 5.1
Frankfort Springs 85,000 1323 18.7
Glenfield 129,200 475 4.4
Unity 105,300 539 6.1
New Sewickley 125,400 941 9.0
Hubbard 93,700 636 8.1
Bakerstown 276,400 2001 8.7

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by A L Kayafas Agcy Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Allison Park 3242
Evans City 378
Fernway 2067
Conway 574
Frankfort Springs 14
Glenfield 35
Unity 2312
New Sewickley 1789
Hubbard 3412
Bakerstown 159
Center 2249
Oak Hills 542
Homewood 16
Grant 2526
Calcutta 704

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by A L Kayafas Agcy Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Allison Park 270800
Evans City 151800
Fernway 198900
Conway 48600
Glenfield 562500
Unity 128100
New Sewickley 128300
Hubbard 119600
Bakerstown 281900
Center 219100
Oak Hills 182000
Grant 21900
Calcutta 172900

Number of new houses in places near by A L Kayafas Agcy Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Allison Park 552100
Fernway 311100

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by A L Kayafas Agcy Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Allison Park 2794
Evans City 173
Fernway 1844
Conway 69
Frankfort Springs 23
Glenfield 14
Unity 457
New Sewickley 415
Hubbard 712
Bakerstown 322
Center 1111
Oak Hills 84
Homewood 7
Grant 470
Calcutta 193